
AGU Institutional Student Learning Outcomes

AGU is committed to providing high quality programs that foster passion for learning, ongoing professional development and responsible action for global and local challenges. The Institutional Student Learning Outcomes listed below indicate knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes students are expected to develop as a result of their active engagement with rich AGU learning environment.

AGU graduates are expected to embody the following knowledge, skills and attitudes:

IO1. Disciplinary knowledge, inter-disciplinary understanding, and trans-disciplinary skills: To make the most of all knowledge and skills gained in order to produce trans-disciplinary connections to real world issues.

IO2. Innovative, creative and critical thinking: To evaluate and criticize-existing- ideas and issues, in order to design an innovative vision and a viable plan to solve problems.

IO3. Global and local responsibility: To take responsibility for global and local issues, by means of independent and collaborative action.

IO4. International and multi-cultural competence: To act as a global citizen by understanding diversity of multiple cultures.

IO5. Self-directed and collaborative learning: To engage with learning, both independently and collaboratively, as a self-initiated, self-directed and life-long venture.

IO6. Communication Skills: To read, write, listen and speak effectively both in English and Turkish.

IO7. Respectful and devoted professional practices: tTo demonstrate knowledge of, and act in accordance with moral and ethical values in professional life.